
Lizzie has several years of experience working with content creation and management. She achieved a BA (Hons) in English Literature from the University of Birmingham, before developing a career in PR and comms.

Top 5 Ways to Repurpose Content for your Business

When it comes to a successful digital marketing strategy, content is King.

Content is the foundation for any marketing activity; it’s a way to open your brand to more people, share your expertise and engage users, subsequently converting them into customers.

But creating new and fresh content takes time and resources. It’s not a quick activity and with so many critical tasks required to run a successful business, it’s easy for it to fall down the priority list.

The good news is that you don’t always need to create brand new content. Repurposing old content can provide excellent results with less manpower and time.

So, how can you repurpose content for digital marketing success?

1. Update Old Content

Whilst some content is time-sensitive, other pieces can be more evergreen, meaning they’ll be relevant for months and years to come.

Evergreen content tends to continuously attract views and shares and is informative and engaging. However, even if content is evergreen, it doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t update it from time to time to make sure it stays relevant.

Take a look at the content you have already created and look for pieces that have historically ranked well and attracted a good readership, or those that may have started to slip in the rankings – which will likely be because Google has found another piece of content elsewhere that is more relevant to the search query.

Take a look at these posts and update them with new information or insights. Perhaps there is new technology to talk about or new research you’ve undertaken which you can add in to support your content.

You don’t need to start again from scratch, instead you can just update these existing pieces of content and reshare them.

You can update old content in the following ways:

  • Undertake new research and add in your findings and data.
  • Update the examples or case studies you’ve featured to more current options.
  • Research new technology or relevant industry advances that you can include.
  • Include quotes from new experts to offer a different perspective.

2. Broaden Your Platforms

If you’re implementing a content marketing strategy, then you’re likely to be running a few different channels.

Alongside your website, this could be platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube and email marketing.

Did you know that you can make use of these platforms to repurpose your content?

By adapting your existing content for different platforms, you have the opportunity for individual pieces of content to reach a new audience. We’ve listed some of the ways you can broaden your platforms below.

3. Create Case Studies

Creating case studies can sound like a lot of work but in reality, you’ve probably already got all of the content you need.

Take a look at the research you’ve conducted both for your existing content and for your products and services – is there anything you can turn into a case study?

Similarly, if you’ve been collecting reviews and testimonials from customers, these can be repurposed into a full case study.

Start by detailing the customer and project, explaining the problem you were able to solve, before sharing exactly what you did to meet the customer’s needs. Include relevant testimonials and quotes to add further social proof to your study.

Case studies are a great marketing tool, as they detail exactly how you help customers and offer potential clients an insight into your reputation and experience.

4. Write Guest Posts

Writing guest posts for other platforms and publications is a key digital marketing strategy, especially when you’re trying to boost your SEO and backlink profile.

Although you can’t post identical content on another website, you can use the content that you’ve already created to help inform your guest posts.

The research and insights you’ve featured before can be repurposed for a different platform and audience in the shape of a guest post.

Below are some ways you can repurpose your existing content to create guest posts:

  • Add new data or research not already featured online.
  • Pick out key points and elaborate on these.
  • Rewrite the content for a different audience (e.g. more or less informed on the subject).
  • Research and include different examples and case studies.

Whilst you will need to create the content from scratch when guest posting, you can still repurpose your existing research and data to save time and resources.

5. Switch Up Your Media

We’ve already talked about repurposing your content for different platforms, but what about switching it up into different types of media?

If you have a bank of blog posts already created, you can easily repurpose these into different types of media, creating brand new content for you to share with your audience.

So, what other types of media can you turn blog posts into?


Podcasts are continuing to grow in popularity and it’s easy to see why. They’re an easy way for people to consume content whilst on-the-go or as they undertake their daily routine. Unlike with a blog post, you don’t need to stop what you’re doing to give it your full attention.

You can easily transform the key points and insights from a blog post into an engaging and informative podcast episode.


Video content works particularly well on social media, and for users who are short on time but still want to consume content.

A key tip is to keep videos short and snappy and make sure they’re offering value to the audience by giving them information or insight.

Consider breaking up longer articles into multiple videos that each focus on an individual point or insight.


Visual media such as graphics and photos are often much easier for users to absorb than lengthy blog posts.

Transforming your blog posts into infographics therefore can help to engage a new audience who may not have opted to read the original article.

When creating an infographic, make sure it’s bright and eye-catching and remember to include all of the relevant information in a way that’s easy to digest.

Include your brand colours and fonts too, so that the infographic is still a representation of the brand you’ve created.

How Social Chameleon Can Help

Here at Social Chameleon, we’ve been helping brands to repurpose their content as part of their wider digital marketing strategy for almost a decade.

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you, then get in touch with the team at or by filling out the enquiry form on our contact page.

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