
Social Chameleon

How Can a Good Social Media Strategy Boost Your SEO?

There are many elements of digital marketing which work in tandem. While your activity on social media may not directly contribute to your business’s SEO ranking, this does not mean that a good social media strategy cannot provide a helping hand. So, how can a social media SEO strategy – meaning, a social media strategy that boosts your SEO – be put into motion? And how can the content you post on your social channels help catapult your website to the first page of Google?

Why is SEO important?

First things first, let’s circle back to SEO: what is it, and why is it important? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and refers to a range of techniques utilized to boost a website’s ranking on search engine results pages. These techniques are separated into two camps: on-page SEO and off-page SEO. On-page SEO refers to the keyword-optimized content on your website, including: blog content, website copy, metatags and inbound links. Meanwhile, off-page SEO is simply where external sources link back to your website; this includes social media, influencer outreach, guest posts and general link building via content on other sites.

But why is SEO so important for business growth? Well, cast your mind back to the last time you searched for a product or service on Google. Tell us honestly: did you bother trawling through page after page of search results, or did you just stick to page 1 and 2? If it is the latter, you are certainly not alone – recent statistics show a sharp decrease in engagement from the second page of results onwards. This is why your website’s Google ranking is of vital importance, particularly if you want your business to grow organically. A good SEO strategy leads to organic growth, as opposed to taking the ‘paid ads’ path to success.

You could have the most visually-appealing, user-friendly website in the world, but that is irrelevant if it is lost in the depths of page 15 of Google. What’s more, your website is the final destination for all potential customers; if they cannot find your site, you are far less likely to make a sale. For this reason, the ultimate goal of digital marketing is to drive more traffic to your website – and if you aren’t seriously considering the importance of SEO, we have no doubt that your competitors will be.

How to Implement a Good Social Media Strategy

Next up, let’s take a closer look at how to implement a good social media strategy for your business. It is important to plan ahead of time, as not only does this allow you to keep organized and schedule posts in advance, this also helps you to think strategically about your goals as a business – and how your social media content can contribute to achieving them. Your social media SEO strategy is no exception: when used correctly, social media can be one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website.

Firstly, your social media strategy should be tailored towards your target audience: this determines which platforms you prioritize, and the types of content you distribute. A good social media strategy should include an interesting range of content, consistent posting and engagement, and continuous insights into industry trends.

For more expert guidance, check out one of our latest blogs: 10 Top Tips for a Successful Social Media Strategy.

How does Social Media Affect SEO?

As previously mentioned, your social media strategy cannot directly impact your SEO ranking, however, it can certainly play a significant part in giving it a boost! Social media can, therefore, be categorized under the off-page SEO umbrella, as links that you share across your social channels can increase traffic to your website.

Social media is one of the top sources of exposure for your brand. If you ensure that you implement a social media SEO strategy, your social media content will influence search engine optimization in numerous ways. So, firstly, how can you execute this across different platforms? The main goal is to encourage traffic to your website via your social media posts: LinkedIn, for example, is the ideal platform on which to share informative blogs and articles. Not only is this in keeping with the professional nature of the platform, the format of LinkedIn allows you to share clickable links, taking users directly to your website. Likewise, on Twitter, the restricted character limit makes link sharing an incredibly inviting prospect – as this allows you to say more, even with a smaller caption! In contrast, users have frequently shown frustration at their inability to add clickable links into Instagram captions. However, in recent years, accounts are now able to add links into their Instagram stories – often encouraging users to ‘swipe up!’ to learn more.

Additionally, a great way to increase website traffic is through implementing reshares of your website content into your social media SEO strategy. For example, on Instagram, you could design eye-catching posts advertising your latest blogs, and simply direct your followers to “the link in your bio”, so they can easily access said content on your site. Another top hack is creating a LinkTree, which will allow you to incorporate numerous links – including a link to your main website, and a link to your most recent blog post, for example – simultaneously.

Furthermore, when coming up with your social media strategy, you should aim to create content which inspires reshares. The aim is to get your content as widely shared as possible. In addition to blogs, other content types which encourage reshares and boost website traffic include video content, infographics and podcasts.

So, how exactly do these social media links boost your website’s SEO? These links via social media accumulate over time, and collectively boost search engine optimization by: distributing content far and wide, increasing the lifespan of your posts, improving your online visibility, boosting organic traffic and increasing brand recognition and reputation. Put simply, as your follower count increases, as does your website traffic. And as a community is built around your brand, you will get closer and closer to that sought-after first page of Google. But remember: SEO is a slow and steady process. Patience is a virtue!

The Next Steps for Your Social Media SEO Strategy

If this all sounds a little daunting… never fear, SEO agencies are here to help! If you’re keen to grow organically as a business, and boost that all-important search engine ranking, hiring an SEO agency would be the ideal step to guide you through all things optimization!

Social Chameleon are a full-suite digital marketing agency who offer decades of expertise on both Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization. To learn more about how these two worlds collide, get in touch for your free consultation today.

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