Social Chameleon Marketing

Content Creation Services

Content strategy

Chances are, you’ve heard the term “content is king”. Overused as this phrase my be, there is a lot of truth in it.

In an era driven by digital media, everything users see and interactive with online can be defined as content. From blog posts and videos to webinars and social media posts – everything available online for users is competing for online ‘real-estate’ (i.e. top viewership).

So why do some pieces of content become viral whilst others slip through the net with virtually no views? Whilst there are many factors that influence the success of a piece of content, largely it boils down to three key factors: quality, relevance, and timing.

Why a content strategy matters

Content requires strategy. Without it, the output is simply art. 

We like to think of content marketing like sailing. The content itself is the boat – the design makes it sea-worthy (or in the case of content, worthy of being seen!) Content strategy is the captain, without whom the boat (or content) would get lost. So, our aim with content strategy is to ensure that content gets found!

Content should usually fall into (at least) one of the following categories: aspirational, educational, humorous, relatable or thought-provoking. A company’s ability to engage its target audience will usually be defined by its ability to produce content that consistently resonates with that audience. A content marketing strategy forces businesses to understand what their target market cares about and to think about how they can cater for it.

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